Trials on the run, bargaining chips is bargaining the country they have lost, with how many thousands more victims: now the security with it, as before, one against each other. THEY LIE. 1982-2024. Front foot is closed anyway, what could go wrong?

Complaints let unanswered, too many times: here is one, mine.

Contacts: see part 2 (next one along).


After: LIVE CRIME, closed door, torture, false witnesses coring and isolated, pressure administrative crimes, bank card you can have it, ask the counter if you like, not me, ask no cop, disability on the go, no report, nor for all the others at risk, harassment and intimidations, all etc.

Duration: all my life, it has been worsening, until there was no escape, actually there was never: how many more do you have tortured, raped, (children included), stolen, killed, and scammed, I was about to forget, stalked, sold with their data to more proxies and especially in that security: for high treason, terrorism, war crime too, their family members.

Now it has to go public, one more time, while no much more money I can give it, and more hurt to get expecting, maybe the last:


… I am not a movie, this is degrading.

How sad, front door, the US refuse, many of their criminals and businesses, medias and politics are to protect first: which is a non-sense, thus the government has nothing better than the previous one, as if you were stealing us a bargained little cheapy progress you cannot give, as NO WORD.

YOU HAVE GOT NO WORD. How upset when I look the other way: “nobody can trust you” … (reference: a good nazi)

They say it was only Trump, no. You have stabbed us in the back, I call you the great fart and the big hush in a hurry.

LIAR I call that.


While that time, the same losing agenda, with a total mismatch very well set as my own knitted jumper, from where I stand, and in fact this is front door or nothing, this is your foot holding that door,

when they kill us all: “revenge and retribution”, “kangaroo courts”, “do not speak for me”, “adrenochrome”, “rosa parks the antivaxx”, and all etc.

Trials bargaining chips like men and the country: it all, all of it.


Adrenochrome, alternative market with a fair share of the victims, the antivaxx total mess, conspiracy & terrorism & politics & markets & medias

& sexual crimes & proxies for customers, gone politics too. On a list: if a victim, if a target, better call them, never only them, a bent nation to that extent, is nothing but a tomb full of …

Do they prefer to stop or to get arranged for the exact same crime,

what you may call the goldwin point,

the black human buffer, if not an arab then a jew, they must be dumb? It does not need it. They will do it. Cover up, with my and your cadaver next.

the bus nutter with my Kampf and all the little naughty girlies,

just an opportunist too, a coward, a greedy incapable, a worse but nicer very good moron too.

To close that chapter on the go too. Is it a…

In France we had a punk band: “lobotomie, porcherie”

I did not like the music, but I have no word for you, you have none at all.

Alex Jones. Got arranged. For still a very good price.

He may just shake hands with david lynch, is one arm never long anough. (which character for a scam, tag it: freedom and pretend they are dumb maybe?)

Dirty business further than Elite Fr., many. “I do it fr daddy” They all do that?

Universal, Canal Plus, many more. Banks to have been involved, is that the new Lafarge next?

2012, Kalhiffe: the other side, UK.

Epstein, Trump, J&J, Media further than so-called fashists and the Trump medias, much more than that, directly to get involved with what is terrorism: 2001-2024? Where is nobody, nowhere, nothing please?

HR against crime, good opportunity, they’d close window for you, how many, no.

Deception, corruption and war crimes, at scale, take it, look no further, especially you.

Fraud cross-border, corruption, scam and mass slaughter at best if really stupid any actually was, say it louder please: or more than the rest, they silence and let to get killed, all etc. , war crimes and proxies, criminals and rape arrangements with it too.

That Dolores in that congress testimony: I have got her ex-husband big big big fishnet metoo, like her half back pocket note if she likes to return working with them all, or to stay alive. That ashtag democracy now, do not speak for me is a factory they like it, you too, why do you persist that way please, I did feel that urgent crave to beat her to death metoo, what a whore she can be, get it back twice the same bill, call that a job. I forgot the name of that actress but I enjoyed westworld, is that making you laugh, yes because in that cinema vulture there was parallel propagnada, HR a mess, other inserts the most regular, as if thor my onion with laughter, see from a distance, never, all on the criminal side of life anyway too.

Quite often less shiny but successful in cinema, music baiting:

the organised sexual criminality does the intended and persistant coring of services, jobs, the break for closure or reprisal and the sniffing too. When I say persistent, no doubt a few businesses get trouble, like false friends they like to give you just differently the same, they do not like ot get annoyed, it is far too much already, as if everyone is a whore but dead or alive, rich or poor, they also outsource it, from the psychologist network to any bent cop, all etc.

All we were some way or another guilty STOP: the victims now, and if I say STOP, no way, then not all everybody just you are 100% guilty, but see hierarchy is a practical value only, that is why i suspect, to get a name, a job, a reson for: get them first.

Politics other agenda, following so bizarrely, but nothing else: let them kick that ball is the same forever.

2015-22: the trial, jobs, free dope, suicides, rapes, closure, or reprisal, political symbolic targets, bargaining that one too: glazart, was there any for the bar: ex-furieux in bastille I wonder.

2001 from France, street hunt and mass rape better organised on the other side, some of them go to Germany too. As anywhere in Europe. Can ask the Northern Europe if they all like it as much as you do.

Must have forgotten a few already, get back anyway there is more letters, emails a few, as long as I can try.

F.Veaux Fr & the murder of Nahel: war crime, terrorism, bargaining chips,

Mediaswith him, and many more, in that rush to cover up, virally following the only track:

know that trolls home made (never from Russia, next to you) and coring creeps, girls included, the others get less frightened, they can job there or then too, inteneded big trouble

and worse criminals outside and around it too

for the trial of the attacks of paris

have been leading to more “suicides” among the other victims, blocking the access, LYING IN ASSOCIATION,

have been interviewed by the medias, some are working in the media,

and life for paris is accused with other professionals.



With Dupond Moretti, the bent vote, in hi sfavour, the lobby cross-atlantic at the polanki, At the weinstein card, they distribute in the medias,



With Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron and many more, it seems the US has bought this country: France, terrorism front and back,

More of it: the plan to help me processing on my own, see part 3.

Now what could go wrong: everything until their last supper.

Know this is potentially unlawful,

while they all have broken all their keys in reverse: hard to come back, only the same way they used to do all the time. Against their denial of justice, security, and information, against their crimes and barbary as casual, this is well organised.

It may contain involuntary defamation, with collaterals, little mistakes, a great hazard: for me first.

This is a degrading and inhuman treatment, they lie if they pretend, they did not see it, did not know it.

On good faith, all the social media files have been sent, for quite a sum of money, as if I was the only one to care about it.

The criminals are casually employees, proxies, and benefit the most of the worse, Their bosses too. Who are they: this is the only and “fairest” share of that “NATO”.

Politics, businesses, medias, etc.

No surprise if HR go tense, worsen, and if other military are to be targeted, civilians and businesses too.

Forever incomplete, hazardous, degrading online: warning.

A proper COMPLAINT, unanswered, falsely lost, against the law, then let online between death and death.

Thus, it is no belief or conspiracy yet, if getting rejected against the law and decency and on purpose quite everywhere, it is a criminal law material, It is only to get sent to any official front-door and nothing else.

This is already a crime, later again, 1st degree murders.

And it’s making the game of that political conspiracy 3 in 1: with the conspi-trolling, the conspi-cuckoo fleet & the actual corruption, criminals, and terrorists with all casualties it gives,

It never should be online that way: can you see the inhumanity of such a lost complaint, try to figure that out, and how many times it has been, as well as straight to my face, I do exist: Esther Jennewein,

They put myself in danger after already all the crimes I suffered.

Can I write even? Or that way, can I?

Defamation is a risk too; I did send all the feeds each time there was one with the complaints. They lost it, never answered.

I am damaging myself publicly and materially I expect, doing such a thing, between death and death, left on the internet.

I live in fear, to defend, attack, exit, between extreme vigilance and exhaustion, daydreams, I am just stuck and available for crimes only, after so many already.

It concerns: “out of scope” we never knew, how did they let that happen.

Selling id, attacking families of military personal, high treason, spying, hacking, terrorism, corruption.

Crimes: organised rape, covert paedophilia, acts of torture, harassment, thief, fraud, admin and other spoilation and discrimination, targeting of names and demographic categories of individuals.

Businesses: sponsors and collaterals, politics and institutions, this trolling conspiracy and criminal association to terror politics cross-borders, with criminal individuals and dirty money through the medias, with the silence and get lost.

It is uncomplete as online, already 4 years later…Since I have tried.

Que penser lorsque polices et tribunaux sont fermes avec vos Droits ? Pour quelle raison :
personne ne vous répondra donc non plus, ni de rien. Car ceci est une “plainte en

(signalment + translation needed)

Ceci est une plainte en ligne, ceci ne devrait pas exister.

C’est une atteinte gravissime à ma sécurité, et un préjudice qui s’accumule depuis 2021.

L’atteinte à mon intégrité sociale, morale et économique s’amoncèle par-dessus les premières agressions et menaces.

Aucun témoignage aussi pénible ne peut se faire en public de la sorte. Il ne sera pas résolu non plus.

Je n’ai pas d’autre route entre la mort et la mort sinon encore une autre.

De plus, tout aussi gravement, d’autres victimes et collatéraux, entités commerciales incluses, ont fait les frais de ce que je dénonce et subis ces crimes également, qui n’ont jamais été reportés ? Surtout aujourd’hui cela parait évident : jamais comptabilisés, ou relies, ni les plaintes acceptées.

D’autres crimes vont donc suivre : des victimes et des dommages matériels, accaparations frauduleuses et criminelles avec.

Ajouter que toutes les capacités d’expression, de rédaction, toutes les éducations sinon les portefeuilles ne permettent pas déjà tout cela, cependant le plus insuffisant, est-ce mon travail qui plus est ? Non.

Je suis la, une victime. Ce n’est pas mon travail de devoir produire une telle oeuvre d’analyse et d’autobiographie publique, de qui etait-ce le travail alors?

Il s’agit d’un crime transfrontalier et organise et a vocation politique par ailleurs.

Voir la liste de mes envois ou prises de contacts avec les autorités, laisses sans aucune réponse : partie suivante.

Les pièces seront publiées, je ne sais pas quelle partie enlever précisément, je préfère les cacher en partie, ou certaines données si possible. Elles restent disponibles.

Les trois feed seront plus simplement encore possibles à consulter ici.

Le reste doit se faire en nom propre avec ID vérifiable, sinon de me venir en aide.

ce qui était déjà clair doit être refait mais pourtant pas, il s’agit d’une forme de torture face au déni de justice, une justice a la carte des criminels laisses libres et ainsi couverts, qu’ai-je fais pour mériter cela et eux ?

Ce phénomène laisse des traces dans ces courriels, dans mon deuxième envoi de lettres, et sur ces FEED publics que j’ai tenu en état de « NDE » et de fureur, de terreur absolue, dans un état d’exhaustion total également. Des extraits seront publiés tout à la fin pour l’illustrer.

“Publie”, “plainte en ligne”: ceci est un traitement dégradant, inhumain, une mise en danger supplémentaire et très exprès, des données confidentielles seront perdues je le suppose au même titre que mes plaintes laissées sans réponse par les autorités elles-mêmes ci-dessous listées et les reçus postaux, des communications pour échantillon par catégorie seront publiées, sans cacher aucun de leur nom ou numéro d’agent si j’en ai eu aucun, avec les heures et les

Le risque d’erreur et de diffamation en soi, si cet acte en soi : de bonne foi, alarmée beaucoup plus qu’eux-mêmes, j’ai prévenu, justifie et envoyé tous les feed à mes frais. Ces frais seront montres ensuite en récapitulatif.

Pendant ce temps, les criminels sont libres de sévir et depuis beaucoup plus longtemps encore, appartiennent-ils a aucune police ni justice et s’en fait-il aucune a la carte ?

d’ajouts, de relectures, de rédaction, parties inégales.

INDICIBLE ET PRIVE. Danger permanent et imminent. Je tente tant bien que mal de la finir ici : et ces criminels qui ont volé leur vie parfois entière de la sorte? Combien d’autres ont-ils vole plutôt mieux.

Des reprises, classements, ajouts, rédactions supplémentaires prendront place en succession.

Ce jour, je tente uniquement de relire et de trier assez pour le mettre chaque chose a sa place, ce que j’ai déjà trop écrit, justement, partout et encore et encore ailleurs, de le trier et de le compléter parce que cela est NECESSAIRE,

A proper COMPLAINT, unanswered, falsely lost, against the law, then let online between death and death.

Thus, it is no belief or conspiracy yet, if getting rejected against the law and decency and on purpose quite everywhere, it is a criminal law material, It is only to get sent to any official front-door and nothing else.

This is already a crime, later again, 1st degree murders.

And it’s making the game of that political conspiracy 3 in 1: with the conspi-trolling, the conspi-cuckoo fleet & the actual corruption, criminals, and terrorists with all casualties it gives,

It never should be online that way: can you see the inhumanity of such a lost complaint, try to figure that out, and how many times it has been, as well as straight to my face, I do exist: Esther Jennewein,

They put myself in danger after already all the crimes I suffered.

Can I write even? Or that way, can I?

Defamation is a risk too; I did send all the feeds each time there was one with the complaints. They lost it, never answered.

I am damaging myself publicly and materially I expect, doing such a thing, between death and death, left on the internet.

I live in fear, to defend, attack, exit, between extreme vigilance and exhaustion, daydreams, I am just stuck and available for crimes only, after so many already.

It concerns: “out of scope” we never knew, how did they let that happen.

Selling id, attacking families of military personal, high treason, spying, hacking, terrorism, corruption.

Crimes: organised rape, covert paedophilia, acts of torture, harassment, thief, fraud, admin and other spoilation and discrimination, targeting of names and demographic categories of individuals.

Businesses: sponsors and collaterals, politics and institutions, this trolling conspiracy and criminal association to terror politics cross-borders, with criminal individuals and dirty money through the medias, with the silence and get lost.

It is uncomplete as online, already 4 years later…Since I have tried.

The youth, the amateure, the false witness, coring, the cruelty and stupidity, the cowardice around it, the more professional harm to give it with psychologit and psychiatrist, more cirmes to suffer, the duration and th enormal flawed anyone else to survive it too, everywhere gets closed, no matter what or who, the lack of money now and exhausted for four more years it has been too, then the harrassment the same, mock execution the same, intimidations the same, they flood dope like bad loan after or before to have been arranged, how many anesia yet and a terror underneath I prefer not to know never, street hunts with all your data, all of it, but also and the weapons other category: after taser (Frenglish possible), 2001 France, see three times under cars plus once inside, it is a laser like light you can not get to fix or see, makes you freeze very briefly, now, that sound, that car just there once, in general too, another one in another place, they need all details to get added, but never tell me i am mad, did I dream, oh you must be delluded yeah, like two world that never meet, at once, like an arse the size of nato, military targets: true, now that maralago, what about you too? Also better ask their friends at the police (box) with a mustach is the new punk now or maybe, at thales thomson sometimes too, why not?

Thye bargain: for example arthur denouveaux, life for paris then lafarge, but what about universal, canal plus, in that case never forget for bfm tv, tf1, arte, france 5, all etc. That is the resaon why, if you want to keep them, you know what you are you already were, only a front door can help it now, it is closed, but nothing new yet, absolutely nothing new.

Competition law and that cross-border, crossing th eline with everything else too now, is that a joke, a killing one.

Can Elon the new trend in junk mail and ex-twitter new X, get rid of all the state criminals, competitors criminals on his network as his predecessor never been even thinking of it, no. Now you can check it out for mark zuckerberg it will take longer, both ways I am afraid too. they are everywhere but you, are still open, it gets very useful for them too. Not for me, I assure you, I need the…How many times, to shout that same refrain, they know it, but have a more delectable any time,

Que penser lorsque polices et tribunaux sont fermes avec vos Droits ? Pour quelle raison :
personne ne vous répondra donc non plus, ni de rien.
Car ceci est une “plainte en

(signalment + translation needed)

Ceci est une plainte en ligne, ceci ne devrait pas exister.

C’est une atteinte gravissime à ma sécurité, et un préjudice qui s’accumule depuis 2021.

L’atteinte à mon intégrité sociale, morale et économique s’amoncèle par-dessus les premières agressions et menaces.

Aucun témoignage aussi pénible ne peut se faire en public de la sorte. Il ne sera pas résolu non plus.

Je n’ai pas d’autre route entre la mort et la mort sinon encore une autre.

De plus, tout aussi gravement, d’autres victimes et collatéraux, entités commerciales incluses, ont fait les frais de ce que je dénonce et subis ces crimes également, qui n’ont jamais été reportés ? Surtout aujourd’hui cela parait évident : jamais comptabilisés, ou relies, ni les plaintes acceptées.

D’autres crimes vont donc suivre : des victimes et des dommages matériels, accaparations frauduleuses et criminelles avec.

Ajouter que toutes les capacités d’expression, de rédaction, toutes les éducations sinon les portefeuilles ne permettent pas déjà tout cela, cependant le plus insuffisant, est-ce mon travail qui plus est ? Non.

Je suis la, une victime. Ce n’est pas mon travail de devoir produire une telle oeuvre d’analyse et d’autobiographie publique, de qui etait-ce le travail alors?

Il s’agit d’un crime transfrontalier et organise et a vocation politique par ailleurs.

Voir la liste de mes envois ou prises de contacts avec les autorités, laisses sans aucune réponse : partie suivante.

Les pièces seront publiées, je ne sais pas quelle partie enlever précisément, je préfère les cacher en partie, ou certaines données si possible. Elles restent disponibles.

Les trois feed seront plus simplement encore possibles à consulter ici.

Le reste doit se faire en nom propre avec ID vérifiable, sinon de me venir en aide.

ce qui était déjà clair doit être refait mais pourtant pas, il s’agit d’une forme de torture face au déni de justice, une justice a la carte des criminels laisses libres et ainsi couverts, qu’ai-je fais pour mériter cela et eux ?

Ce phénomène laisse des traces dans ces courriels, dans mon deuxième envoi de lettres, et sur ces FEED publics que j’ai tenu en état de « NDE » et de fureur, de terreur absolue, dans un état d’exhaustion total également. Des extraits seront publiés tout à la fin pour l’illustrer.

“Publie”, “plainte en ligne”: ceci est un traitement dégradant, inhumain, une mise en danger supplémentaire et très exprès, des données confidentielles seront perdues je le suppose au même titre que mes plaintes laissées sans réponse par les autorités elles-mêmes ci-dessous listées et les reçus postaux, des communications pour échantillon par catégorie seront publiées, sans cacher aucun de leur nom ou numéro d’agent si j’en ai eu aucun, avec les heures et les

Le risque d’erreur et de diffamation en soi, si cet acte en soi : de bonne foi, alarmée beaucoup plus qu’eux-mêmes, j’ai prévenu, justifie et envoyé tous les feed à mes frais. Ces frais seront montres ensuite en récapitulatif.

Pendant ce temps, les criminels sont libres de sévir et depuis beaucoup plus longtemps encore, appartiennent-ils a aucune police ni justice et s’en fait-il aucune a la carte ?

d’ajouts, de relectures, de rédaction, parties inégales.

INDICIBLE ET PRIVE. Danger permanent et imminent. Je tente tant bien que mal de la finir ici : et ces criminels qui ont volé leur vie parfois entière de la sorte? Combien d’autres ont-ils vole plutôt mieux.

Des reprises, classements, ajouts, rédactions supplémentaires prendront place en succession.

Ce jour, je tente uniquement de relire et de trier assez pour le mettre chaque chose a sa place, ce que j’ai déjà trop écrit, justement, partout et encore et encore ailleurs, de le trier et de le compléter parce que cela est NECESSAIRE,

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